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Talks of the Swiss Global Change Day 2018 available on video
On 19 April 2018, the Swiss global change science community met for the 19th time on the annual Swiss Global Change Day. Distinguished researchers presented scientific highlights and the program provided enough time for discussions and networking. The talks are now available on video.
Image : Hannah Ambühl
19th Swiss Global Change Day – Meeting Report and Conference Documents
On 19 April 2018, the Swiss global change science community met for the 19th time on the annual Swiss Global Change Day. About 210 participants attended the event and 60 posters were exhibited. Distinguished researchers presented scientific highlights and the program provided enough time for discussions and networking. At the event ProClim also celebrated its 30th Anniversary with the central theme of a growing tree. This theme appeared in a number of ways, such as in form of the birthday cake, seeds as a giveaway or a real apple tree on stage, which was planted by ProClim after the event.
Image : Sarah Arnold, ProClim