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Le centre de compétence scientifique s’engage à promouvoir la recherche en biodiversité. Il entretient le dialogue et la collaboration entre les scientifiques et les décideurs dans l’administration, la politique, l’économie et la société.en plus

Image : LaMantarraya, stock.adobe.comen plus

20th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2022, Lausanne

Resilience and Transitions in Geosciences


09:00 - 17:00

Lieu de l'événement

Palais de Rumine

Lieu de rendez-vous

see https://geoscience-meeting.ch/sgm2022/infos/travel/

The Faculty of Geosciences and Environment of the University of Lausanne, the Musée Cantonal de Géologie and the Platform Geosciences of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) cordially invite you to participate in the 20th Swiss Geoscience Meeting to be held from Friday, 18 November to Sunday, 20 November, 2022.

SGM 2022 Logo

On Friday, 18 November

The 2022 SGM plenary session on Friday November 18th entitled Resilience and Transitions in Geosciences will explore transitions and resilience at a range of spatial and temporal scales, from geological tipping points to the link between social, economic and natural systems and implications for management and policy.

On Saturday, 19 November

27 scientific symposia will cover the diverse spectrum of current research in geosciences, encompassing the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the cryosphere, the biosphere, the atmosphere and the anthroposphere.

On Sunday, 20 November

A tribute symposium in honour of Karl Föllmi, Johannes Hunziker and Albrecht Steck on Alpine-Himalayan Geology will take place on that day.

The SGM also provides the ideal environment to foster informal contacts and discussion among scientists, in particular during the Swiss Geoscience Party on Friday evening but also at the poster sessions on Saturday. Time is reserved for two poster sessions on Saturday, at which the authors will be present for active discussion and feedback.

Looking forward to seeing you in Lausanne!
The SGM 2022 Organizing Committee

SGM 2022 Image Lavaux vignobles
SGM 2022 Image Lavaux vignoblesImage : Pierre Dèzes

Sujets correspondants


  • Agronomie et sciences forestières
  • Cryosphère
  • Cycles biochimiques
  • Géochimie
  • Géodésie
  • Géographie
  • Géologie
  • Géomorphologie
  • Géophysique
  • Géosciences
  • Géotechnique
  • Géothermie
  • Hydrogéologie
  • Hydrologie
  • Hydrologie, limnologie, glaciologie
  • Paléontologie (sc. terre)
  • Permafrost/Pergélisol
  • Pédologie

Soumission d'un abstract
Deadline: 31.08.2022

Will follow
Only on 18 November will the SGM take place at the Palais de Rumine, On Saturday 19.11, the SGM will be at UNIL-Geopolis and on Sunday 20.11 it will be at UNIL-Anthropole (see https://geoscience-meeting.ch/sgm2022/infos/travel/)
Langues : Anglais