Swiss IPBES Info-meeting, 5th May 2017, Bern
Ongoing IPBES work & Open Call for Review in May/June 2017
Inform yourself on ongoing IPBES work (Regional Assessments, Global Assessment and the Thematic Assessment on Land Degradation and Restoration and the Open Call for Review of some of the ongoing Assessments.
The Swiss Biodiversity Forum, in collaboration with the Federal Office for the Environment, is inviting all interested experts and stakeholders for a national info meeting on IPBES activities and opporuntities.
Programme: link
Presentations for download:
Markus Fischer, Institute of Plant Sciences, University of Bern, Co-chair: Regional
Assessment for Europe and Central Asia
Amor Torre-Marin Rando, TSU ECA, University of Bern: The external review of IPBES
Regional Assessment for Europe and Central Asia and outlook on the finalization of the
André Mader, TSU ECA, University of Bern: Thematic Assessment on Land Degradation and Restoration
Hien Ngo, TSU for IPBES Global Assessment, Bonn, Germany: IPBES Global Assessment
IPBES-CH events
- 5th Pan-European Stakeholder Consultation for IPBES (PESC-5)
- Presentation of the IPBES report on Europe and Central Asia
- Swiss IPBES Info-meeting, 5th May 2017, Bern
- Swiss IPBES Info-meeting, 19th April 2016, Bern
- Swiss IPBES Info-meeting, 3rd of March 2015, Bern
- Kickoff meeting for the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) in Switzerland 2012