TRAINING (2.4.1)

Le centre de compétence scientifique s’engage à promouvoir la recherche en biodiversité. Il entretient le dialogue et la collaboration entre les scientifiques et les décideurs dans l’administration, la politique, l’économie et la société.en plus

Image : LaMantarraya, stock.adobe.comen plus

Presentation of the IPBES report on Europe and Central Asia

A regional launch and uptake event


09:00 - 12:30

Lieu de l'événement

Hotel Bellevue Palace, Salon Royal, Bern

The event is intended to present to governments and stakeholders the IPBES report on the state of biodiversity and ecosystems services, and potential policy approaches in Europe and Central Asia.

Hotel Bellevue Bern


The event will focus on biodiversity and ecosystems services, and policy solutions in the European and Central Asia region:

  • Present the findings of the report on the state of biodiversity and ecosystems services in the Europe and Central Asia region.
  • Discuss potential policy approaches and gaps for preserving biodiversity and ecosystems services.
  • Mobilize relevant stakeholders.

The invited participants are governmental representatives of countries of the Europe and Central Asia region, as well as scientific, environmental and business stakeholders.

The event is organized around oral presentations of the findings of the report and a panel discussion involving government representatives, stakeholders and the co-chairs of the report, Prof. Markus Fischer (Switzerland) and Prof. Mark Rounsevell (UK). The official language of the event is English.

The Director of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, Mr. Marc Chardonnens, will make the opening statement. Dr. Anne Larigauderie, the Executive Secretary of IPBES, will make opening remarks.

The event is followed by PESC-5, the 5th Pan-European Stakeholder Consultation for the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).

Sujets correspondants

La biodiversité offre de nombreux bienfaits aux humains: dans les zones de montagne, les forêts protègent les habitations et les infrastructures contre les chutes de pierres, les coulées de boues et les avalanches.

Le Conseil mondial de la biodiversité adopte le rapport sur la situation en Europe et en Asie centrale

La biodiversité en Europe et en Asie centrale revêt une importance considérable pour la région, mais elle décline d’année en année. La qualité de la vie d’un nombre croissant de

Image : Schwanden GL von Ulrich Wasem/WSL



Dr. Eva Spehn
Forum Biodiversité Suisse
Maison des Académies
Case postale
3001 Berne

The meeting is free of charge.
Langues : Anglais